

Edu-City is a project aiming to explore the neighborhood as a learning space together with adults by using different tools and methodologies sharing memories, stories and learnings. The project develops a series of training for non-formal education workers and mediators working in different spaces for the socially excluded populations. Edu-City produces a series of educational activities while, at the same time, developing participatory tools for re-valuing local resources in every neighborhood. The project aims to identify, value and map situated knowledge for adults at risk of social exclusion.

Edu-City is funded by an Erasmus+ KA2. It is coordinated by Bond of Union (Italy), and we participate together with Les têtes de l’art (France), Ideas Factory (Bulgaria), and Tesserae (Germany).


Edu-City explores the educational needs to understand the neighborhood as a learning space through the development of an open handbook gathering different experiences. Besides, the project develops a training program for local mediators in different contexts which will gather games and ideas to revalue those learnings. In the framework of Edu-City, there will be an international event for mediators to share tools, knowledge, and ways of doing. After the event, a series of job shadowing experiences will be produced between mediators. Last but not least, Edu-City will produce an open compendium of open educational practices.


Edu-City helps us keep working in one of our most important themes, one of those we explore during our whole existence: education as a lifelong project going beyond the formal educational process of any individual. Edu-City is, moreover, an opportunity to explore the mediation role in the grassroots local context.


2022 - 2023







Communities, Mediation, The Commons