Open Paper: Cultural Mediation for Social Change in Pandemic Times
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This Open Paper aims to broaden the notion of what is known as “cultural mediation”. Literature written about this practice tends to be associated with the support work carried out by professionals specialised in contemporary cultural practices or art history in museums or exhibition spaces as a way of intervening in the relationship between the public and the works of art on display. In this Open Paper the concept of “cultural mediation” is expanded by studying ZEMOS98’s own practices using conversations that emerged during the “Laboratory of Cultural Mediation in Pandemic Times’’, an event financed by the City of Seville Institute of Art and Culture.
The laboratory was divided into four sessions: The first, with the participation of María Farras (CCCB: Barcelona Centre of Contemporary Culture) and Tere Badía (Secretary General of Culture Action Europe). The second, with the participation of Jaz Choi (RMIT University) and Adam Horowitz (Artist and mediator). The third, with the participation of José Luis de Vicente (Curator and cultural researcher, Sonar+D) and María Yáñez (Media researcher and head of Vinte). The fourth, with the participation of Marta Malo (Translator and activist researcher) and Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca (Educational programming at Museo Reina Sofía, music professor on leave).
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