Hackcamp IAAP, co-designed solutions to challenges faced by the Regional Government of Andalusia


Hackcamp IAAP is an experimental proposal to introduce participatory methodologies in the co-designing of solutions to challenges faced by the Regional Government of Andalusia. This methodological design, facilitation and consulting work has been carried out by the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration (IAAP) and has allowed us to compare and learn within a new context: public employees. The result are prototypes that are being applied in very specific areas of the Public Administration. Hackcamp IAAP was a finalist in the category of “best initiative for internal innovation and cultural change” at the VIII National Congress of Innovation and Public Services (CNIS).


Hackcamp IAAP is a 4 month long working process in which the organisation participates in forming an assessment. During this process the work areas are determined and participants can be selected. The most important moments of the process are the prototype meetings that include intensive work over 2 or 3 days, the presentation of the prototypes to the rest of the participants and the formation of future communities of practice around the challenges. At Hackcamp IAAP, participants work on solutions to challenges such as sustainable mobility within the civil service, a transverse approach to generational change, the development of internal spaces in the administration to promote innovation on a daily basis, the improvement of internal communication and the creation of a model video tutorial to make administrative procedures more accessible. Once the conference is over, all of the information (presentations, graphic documentation and minutes) is organised and distributed online under open licenses. The organisation takes care of the continuation and development of completed prototypes by means of a public agreement in the presence of the participants.


Hackcamp IAAP opens up institutions from within, encouraging Participatory Culture within the Public Administration. Strategic consulting and the design of participatory methodologies are related to the concept of P2P Mediation as a tool that allows us to open processes that are more complex than just a single event. The principle discovery of Hackcamp IAAP is the confirmation that when we create a motivational work environment that lets us concentrate on a single end or objective, participants have access to abilities that had perhaps been blocked in more logocentric workspaces. The institutional and personal energy of the participants is also fundamental for the effective development of this process in which they experiment with co-designing public policies.

Resources and networks









Hackcamp, Participation