MOOC “Expanded education with new media”


In this digital course on expanded education and media literacy, we reflect on the possible ways to experiment and consider together the educational challenges of the 21st century by identifying, analysing and practicing expanded education. The workshop values knowledge of digital culture such as network organisation, work in learning communities, the convergence of media, open resources and their licenses and multiple literacies. Additionally, it brings artistic, scientific, communicational and educational projects together with cultural, social, digital and audiovisual aspects on the cutting edge of education.


In this 6 week online course, students will experiment with approaches that go beyond and question the limits of school as an institutional learning space. They will focus on the way that the media constructs reality and value the development of a critical conscience that helps us question the media messages that we consume every day. The course is comprised of a series of audiovisual didactic materials in which instructors Pedro Jiménez, Sofía Coca, Rubén Díaz and Felipe G. Gil approach the subject through case studies and practical examples.


We believe in the concept of expanded education. We have worked with it since 2009 to place value on a series of educational practices that are useful in any learning process but often are excluded from institutional curricula. In order to effectively transform the social fabric, it is necessary to be able to identify these practices as tools for social transformation encouraged by critical thinking.

Resources and networks








Learning processes

Expanded education, New narratives