Título | Candy |
Duración: | 3 min. 22 seg. |
Formato de Realización: | MiniDV |
Formato de Presentación: | DVD |
Estandar de color : | PAL |
Idioma Original: | |
Fecha de Producción: | agosto de 2005 |
Ciudad de Producción: | Berlin |
País de Producción: | Alemania |
Sinopsis: | This work began on the day when artists had made an extra big candy like a bowling ball by themselves (dia. 180mm). Since that day, they had been licking the candy day after day for about six months. While they were licking, a lot of episodes happened. They kept licking with the aim of only creating an ordinary candy, which seems just a candy on the market. |
IM: | |
Producción: | artists |
Director/a: | Mai Yamashita+Naoto Kobayashi |
Reparto: | |
Guión: | |
Montaje: | Mai Yamashita+Naoto Kobayashi |
Fotografía: | |
Música: | |
Sonido: | |
Web: | homepage.mac.com/m_plus_n/ |
Otros: | |
Sociedad de Gestión: | |
Licencia de distribución: |