Detalles de Personal ? Id ? Card

Título Personal ? Id ? Card
Duración: 4 min. 0 seg.
Formato de Realización: Otros
Formato de Presentación: DVD
Estandar de color : PAL
Idioma Original: Serbian
Fecha de Producción: marzo de 2002
Ciudad de Producción: Belgrade
País de Producción: Yugoslavia
Sinopsis: Digital video installation PERSONAL ? ID ? CARD received Honorable Mention at the 14th edition of the International Electronic Art Festival – Videobrasil, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2003 Society always tried to impose one identity to one person, in order to control them easier. But, it is very dangerous to think of identity as something constant and unchangeable. Identities pushed too far in one direction can be destructive. Identity is nomadic and multiple and we just have an illusion that we are representing ourselves with one unique permanent identity, because, we are not just a result of autonomous genetic development. At the same time we are social facts – a shaping that is developing during our lives. That multiplicity or synthesis of different personalities is always one unique identity that exists only as temporary construction. Often from unexpected contacts and events, some new paths are opening and personality is appearing in some unexpected way. This synthesis is here divided on particular moments of one image that embrace all those different impacts or contacts with others and with world in general showing of what one person consists. It is a silent change of images, or to be more precise, one fixed image of a human face which is absorbing all other faces that has been participating in building and changing that particular face and identity.
Producción: Miodrag Krkobabic
Director/a: Miodrag Krkobabic
Sociedad de Gestión:
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