Birds fly over a factory at dusk; a lone tree stands in the middle of a rippling lake; rain pours against garbage in a deserted alley. Such tonal imagery acts as mortar, infusing symbolism into conventional narratives to amplify emotion. Future Memories sources these shots from over sixty iconic Hollywood films and recombines them into a series of dreamlike stories.
Behind the viewer, speakers emit the sound of slow roaring air. The origin of the audio is likewise difficult to situate. It serves as an anchor to the video rather than overshadowing it. The edits activate an image-based memory space rather than auditory pathways.
The distinguishing quality of Future Memories is the lack of the “a-ha” moments of image-recognition. Instead, the shots slip through cracks in our conscious memories. This artwork echoes an emerging transformation in the production and dissemination of the moving image.
With the massive proliferation of video on websites such as YouTube, the means to accurately categorize, archive and tag have been outpaced by the production of media itself. Centralized hierarchical systems are rapidly being outmoded. The dominant Hollywood narrative style, long linked to these structures is similarly under scrutiny.
By creating readable but symbolic narratives, I am inviting the viewer into a pre-language space where the use of the moving image can be completely restructured.