Audiovisual installation: Voices of massive creation


Voices of massive creation has been an immersive audiovisual installation developed for the former Artillery Factory of Seville, part of the heritage of the city. It has been developed for the programme “Artillery works”, and we have curated the audiovisual piece produced by the audiovisual innovation studios Playmodes.


The installation is in dialogue with the monumental architecture of the factory, and with the future uses for a cultural space as big as this one. The piece has been developed taking into account desires, ideas and proposals according to an inclusive culture that places in the centre the challenges of transformation and sustainability of the city against touristification and homogeneity. Lights, music and sounds are playing together with dialogues between persons from different backgrounds. The selection of participants was done with an inclusive criteria in terms of gender, diverse in terms of racialised bodies and expertise: dance, flamenco, rap, science, education or memory.

Alicia Acuña, Charo Ledo, Ellavled Alcano, Helliot Baeza, Miguel Rosa, Negro Jari, Margherita Bacigalupo y Sebastián Chávez are the persons who have participated in the installation.


As part of our curation, we have dealt with the technical production of the process, facilitating the work by Playmodes. We have produced videos, software, lights and multifocal sounds synced with each other. There has been 15 plays of the piece, gathering more than 600 persons during three days. Voices of massive creation is an audiovisual experiment in line with other activities and performances we have been working on in the last few years.

Resources and networks

More pictures by José Ángel Jiménez (dopeboy)








Media production

Critical culture, New narratives