Projection on forms and spaces [9-17 abril, Bruselas]

An openLAB Masterclass with HC Gilje
Video projection is basically an advanced light source: with the use of a computer, one can combine an infinite variety of masks with millions of colours as a tool for painting with light. Just by thinking of video projection as light detaches it from the usual format of projecting a content onto a flat screen, and opens up to projecting on bodies, objects, surfaces, walls, floors, ceiling, buildings etc.
The openLAB masterclass is an intensive workshop based on the projects of the participants. After a preliminary selection through a call for projects, the participants will bring their ideas to fruition during a workshop week (Production Lab). The results will then be presented and documented in a public exhibition.
Before the Production Lab itself, the participants, together with the workshop leader and iMAL team, will develop, refine and discuss their projects through an online collaborative platform. This preparatory process should bring together participants into maximum 5 to 6 groups, and associated projets to be further developed. During the production phase, a team of assistants will help the participants in the making of the final projects.
The “Projection on forms and spaces” masterclass will take place at iMAL, Center for digital cultures and technology (Brussels) under the leading of HC Gilje (No) from 9-15th April, 2011. The masterclass will be followed by an exhibition of the realized projects from 16-17th of April at iMAL. The results of the workshop will be documented online.
Artists, architects, designers, set designers and VJs are welcome to send their project proposals through the ‘Call for Projects’ form until the 20th of March, 2011.
Max. 12 participants will be selected and grouped in small teams around 5-6 projects. Projects will be selected according to original artistic quality and feasibiity (time, equipment, space, budget).
The workshop langage will be English.
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