
VJs, visuals, mash-ups and more…


Started in 2001, VJTV is an independent series showcasing audiovisual artists, visual producers, visual artists, VJ/DJ teams, and VJs from around the world. Each episode features a guest artist with interview and visuals, plus short works by additional artists. VJTV aired in six cities across North America from 2001 – 2003, as well as online from 2003-2005. Our previous site (vjtv.net) remains an archive of interviews and visuals from the series.

We first started this project during the summer of 2001 in San Francisco which was a very turbulent period. The dot-com bubble had burst and was grounded completely by the 9/11 tragedy. For the next year and a half we scraped together the resources to produce this show (I never owned a video camera) using a Mac G4 dual-450Mhz (which I still have), an external 20GB drive, and several miniDV tapes. “Rendering” a one-hour show with titles took 24 hours and often failed. As the show grew, many people donated time and gear, even during their own hardships. Nevertheless, it was a ton of fun.

Eventually we built our own website and began to post content and clips online. By this point we had ceased to produce new episodes but were getting more and more requests to be on the show. Our site only reflected what was on the TV series, and we didn’t have the time or resources build a full online video showcase with videos and users, etc.

Flash-forward to today, where we have services like YouTube, Vimeo, and WordPress that manage global inter-communication and sharing. They may not seem revolutionary now, but enough has changed in the past seven years to fulfill the potential of VJTV. For now we shall operate as a news blog, sharing all these great works from around the world. No rendering, no storage, no delivery & boxes. Awesome and easy.


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