Taller Aire, Sonido y Poder. Festival Audiovisual ZEMOS98 10a

Author Archive

New York City Police Use Sound Weapons

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: VIDEO Literal: “This clip from a feature produced by Alex Jones, Austin, Texas videographer, shows military sound weapons mounted on NYPD trucks. This was filmed during the Republican National Convention in NYC August, 2004. In this instance they were used for crowd control. A variety of interest groups use similar weapons testing them on unpopular […]

Sonic Doom, by Jack Sergeant

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: TEXTO

From Fortean Times 153 December 2001 Link to the text (pdf) Literal: An acoustic weapon disorients rioters and afflicts an invading army with nausea. It can create ‘ghosts’ and arouse animal passions. Fantastic? JACK SERGEANT, delving into the possible uses and abuses of infrasound, isn’t so sure. Additional material by David Sutton. The human ear […]

Soud Cannon (Cañón sónico) by Dr. Richard Wallauschek

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: VIDEO

Video in Youtube “A principios de los 40, el doctor Richard Wallauschek desarrolló un arma revolucionaria a la que denominó “cañón sónico”. Estaba formado por dos reflectores parabólicos conectados por varios tubos que formaban una cámara de disparo. A través de los tubos entraba en la cámara una mezcla de oxígeno y metano que […]

LRAD (Sonic Weapon), uso en manifestaciones multitudinarias

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: VIDEO

Video grabado en la República de Georgia, (país eurasiático localizado en la costa del Mar Negro, al sur del Cáucaso. Antigua república de la desaparecida Unión Soviética, comparte fronteras con Rusia al norte, y con Turquía, Armenia y Azerbaiyán al sur). Georgia protests erupt in violence as police try to clear demonstrators Nuevas protestas en […]

Acoustic Weapons in Nature- Marathi

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: VIDEO

This video is the proof that Sound waves can be used as weapons. This is in English and upload for Education Purpose only. SO enjoy and think

Using Acoustic Weapons (US Army)

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: VIDEO

(DJ C’s Sonic Weapons album) Literal: (Youtube video) The BRIDGE COLLAPSE in Vietnam WAS ANOTHER TERRORIST ACT BY THE NEW WORLD ORDER WITH GEORGE BUSH AND HIS FUCKED DADDY IN CHARGE. They ARE USING ACOUSTIC WEAPONS. A host of military and civilian missions are being considered for acoustic weapons, including both battlefield combat and so-called […]

Acoustic Weapons: Jürgen Altmann

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: TEXTO

Original Text (PDF) Abstract Acoustic weapons are under research and development in a few countries. Advertised as one type of non-lethal weapons, they are said to immediately incapacitate opponents while avoiding permanent physical damage. Reliable information on specifications or effects is scarce, however. The present report sets out to provide basic information in several areas: […]

Acoustic Noise as a Non-Lethal Weapon

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: TEXTO

by Roman Vinokur, Wieland Associates, California. In this article, fundamental issues related to acoustical warfare are analyzed. Such arms (powerful loudspeakers, stun grenades, acoustic cannons, etc.) belong to a class of non-lethal weapons utilized to control riots. Guidelines for the implementation and effectiveness of such weapons are reviewed. ORIGINAL PLUBLICATION: SOUND AND VIBRATION/OCTOBER 2004 DOWNLOAD […]

Antes del radar: reflectores acústicos

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: TEXTO

Artículo publicado por Nacho el 12/01/2008, dentro de la categoría MundoReal™ (Web Microsiervos) “Antes de la invención del radar durante la II Guerra Mundual (basado en los principios establecidos años antes por el gran Nikola Tesla) se utilizaban reflectores acústicos para detectar la llegada de aviones enemigos. La mayoría de los reflectores eran móviles, de […]

Lectura: Armas Acústicas en el Ejército de EEUU

By • Feb 29th, 2008 • Category: ACCIONES

Tecnologías de Control Social: El Sonido (Audio-Acción Armas Sónicas, Zemos98) Reflexiones sobre el papel del sonido y la música en los mecanismos de control social. Esta breve aproximación al tema incluye discusiones socioacústicas y documentos textuales sobre lo sonoro y su relación con los mecanismos de control social. Aborda el estudio de las formas acústicas […]