Henrik Rylander y su “Public Loudspeakers”
By Chiu Longina • Mar 4th, 2008 • Category: AUDIO, DISPOSITIVOSVía: mediateletipos.net
Henrik Rylander, fotógrafo y músico saca a la venta Public Loudspeakers. El libro/disco recoge una serie de fotografías de altavoces y una pieza de 60 minutos (aprox) a partir de la grabación de los aparatos. Esta obra centrada en el panopticismo auditivo, recoge desde su título (Information/desinformation) los principios básicos de este sistema: vigilancia y desinformación por sobresaturación. Esto se traduce tanto en imágenes como en sonido en un ruido blanco persistente que Rylander trata en su disco.
En su My Space podeis ver las fotografías y escuchar un fragmento del audio en cuestión.
Public Loudspeakers – Information & Disinformation
2006/2007Public loudspeakers in streets, squares, stadiums, arenas, department stores and in connection to public transportation, in the three largest swedish cities; Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö, has been photographed by Rylander during the fall of 2006.
With the book comes also an audio CD titled: Information & Disinformation for Public Loudspeakers. The sound source of the CD is the data from the .tif files of the photographs in the book, processed with various computer software.
“At noon Japanese time on Aug. 15, a message recorded by Hirohito was broadcast throughout Japan. Citizens gathered around public loudspeakers, heads bowed in reverence; they had never before heard their Emperor’s voice.”
Public Loudspeakers — Information and Disinformation by Henrik Rylander is a book about a power and control system, as common as the CCTV cameras and with a long history of war propaganda, here for the first time revealed and exposed in an art context.
Public loudspeakers in streets, squares, stadiums, arenas, department stores and in connection to public transportation, in the three largest swedish cities; Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmoe, has been photographed by Rylander during the fall of 2006. The main concept of the work is to illuminate both the fact of how these loudspeakers has in history been an important tool of power through propaganda, and the possible future of an even more Orwellish scenario: The use of public loudspeakers in addition to the CCTV cameras as means of government power and control.
With the book comes also an audio CD titled: Information & Disinformation for Public Loudspeakers. The sound source of the CD is the data from the .tif files of the photographs in the book, processed with various computer software. The result is 58 minutes of powerful drone music filled with information and disinformation.

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